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Version: 0.9.1

TzPro API Access

TzPro API is available on the following URLs:

  • Tezos Mainnet: (API) and (RPC)
  • Tezos Ghostnet: (API) and (RPC)
  • Tezos Nairobinet: (API) and (RPC)

We offer a staging environment so you can test your apps with the latest features:

  • Mainnet: (API only)

🔑 Authentication​

You need an active API key to access TzPro and you must send your API key with every request using one of two methods:

  • as HTTP header X-API-Key
  • as query parameter api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Keep your API key secret! One way to do this is to never embed it into a mobile app or website. You may instead use a proxy server that transparently adds your key to each request.

If this is impractical we offer additional security features to harden your keys:

  • origin domain whitelist to block requests not originating from your own domain
  • source IP whitelist to block requests not originating from your selected IP address(es)
  • request signing for protecting your key against misuse
  • custom call limits for cost ceiling control