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Version: 0.9.1


GET /explorer/block/{hash|height|head}

Fetches information about the specified block. Takes either a block hash, a block height or the string head as argument. Use meta (boolean) to embed optional account metadata and rights to embed information about baking and endorsing rights as well as their status.

hash hashBlock hash.
predecessor hashParent block on canonical chain or orphan side-chain.
successor hashChild block on canonical chain or orphan side-chain.
protocol hashActive protocol.
baker hashBaker address.
proposer hashPayload proposer address. Ithaca+
baker_consensus_key hashBaker key (address) used to sign this block. Lima+
proposer_consensus_key hashBaker key (address) to sign the payload. Lima+
height int64Block height (a.k.a level).
cycle int64Cycle
is_cycle_snapshot boolTrue if this block has been selected as snapshot.
time datetimeBlock creation time.
solvetime durationTime since last block in seconds.
version int64Protocol version.
round int64Baking priority (fitness pre Ithaca, Tenderbake round post Ithaca).
nonce uint64Block nonce, part of this nonce is the baker software version Git hash.
voting_period_kind enumCurrent voting period proposal, exploration, cooldown, promotion, adoption.
n_endorsed_slots int64Count of endorsed slots. (Note this field will be set from endorsements published in the subsequent block.)
n_ops_applied int64Count of operations contained in this block.
n_ops_failed int64Count of failed operations.
n_calls int64Count of smart contract calls from externally owned accounts (transactions sent to contracts without internal operations sent between contracts).
n_rollup_calls int64Count of rollup operations.
n_events int64Count of implicit events, ie. operations and state changes that don't have an operation hash such as bake, unfreeze, seed_slash, airdrop and invoice.
n_tx int64Count of transaction operations.
n_tickets int64Count of ticket updates.
volume moneyTotal amount of tokens moved between accounts.
fee moneyTotal fee paid (and frozen) by all operations.
reward moneyReward earned (and frozen) by the block baker.
deposit moneyDeposit frozen by the block baker.
activated_supply moneyTotal amount of commitments activated in tez.
minted_supply moneyTotal amount of new tokens minted by events and operations in tez.
burned_supply moneyTotal amount of tokens burned by operations in tez.
n_accounts int64Count of accounts seen in this block (i.e. this includes all operation senders, receivers, delegates and the block's baker).
n_new_accounts int64Count of new accounts created regardless of type.
n_new_contracts int64Count of created smart contracts (KT1 with code).
n_cleared_accounts int64Count of accounts that were emptied (final balance = 0).
n_funded_accounts int64Count of accounts that were funded by operations (this includes all new accounts plus previously cleared accounts that were funded again).
gas_limit int64Total gas limit defined by operations.
gas_used int64Total gas consumed by operations.
storage_paid int64Total sum of new storage allocated by operations.
pct_account_reuse floatPortion of seen accounts that existed before.
lb_vote emumGranada+ liquidity baking vote flag.
lb_ema int64Granada+ liquidity baking vote moving average.
ai_vote enumOxford+ adaptive issuance vote flag.
ai_ema int64Oxford+ adaptive issuance vote moving average.
metadata objectOptional account metadata for baker and endorsers, missing when no metadata is available. Endorser metadata is only embedded when rights arg is also set.
rights arrayList of endorsing (all slots) and baking rights (all priorities up to block priority) including owner and status.

List Block Operations​

GET /explorer/block/{hash|height|head}/operations

Returns a list of operations in the corresponding block as well as a list of implicit events. Supports

  • limit and cursor / offset for paging
  • order with asc or descfor ordering (by row_id)
  • type for filtering operations (see query filters)
  • meta=1 to embed optional account metadata senders, receivers, delegates
curl ""
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ops, err := tzpro.DefaultClient.Block.ListOps(