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Version: 0.9.1


The Metadata API delivers off-chain information on well-known accounts and smart contracts. We curate and update a list of well-known addresses of bakers, exchanges, NFT and DeFi projects and others to help applications identify public addresses. In addition we automatically collect standard contract and token metadata published by smart contracts on-chain as well as Tezos domain names and their reverse records.

The TzPro Explorer API can embed metadata to block, operation and account endpoints when using the meta=1 query argument. The optional field metadata will contain values for addresses (e.g. baker, sender, receiver etc.) where metadata is defined.

Available Endpoints​

The following endpoints are available to query and manage address and token metadata. Note that on the public API this metadata is read-only and curated by us. On dedicated instances customers have the ability to manage their own metadata including the definition of own schemas.

GET /metadata/{address}[_{id}]Get structured account & token metadata
GET /metadata/schemasList supported JSON schema names
GET /metadata/schemas/{schema}Get JSON schema definition
POST /metadataCreate new metadata entry for an address or token (private instance only)
DELETE /metadataPurge all metadata (private instance only)
PUT /metadata/{address}[_{id}]Update metadata entry (private instance only)
DELETE /metadata/{address}[_{id}]Remove metadata entry (private instance only)

Pre-defined Schemas​

We provide a list of pre-defined schemas in combination with our curated list of metadata entries for public accounts and smart contracts.

aliasCommon name, logo and classification.
assetGeneric Layer 2 asset information.
bakerTezos baker related information.
tzdomainTezos Domains reverse record.
tzprofileTezos Profiles metadata.
locationGeographical location and coordinates.
mediaGeneric media URIs and format definitions.
payoutBaker payout address list.
rightsContent and license rightsholder info.
socialSocial media handles.
tz16Tezos TZIP-16 metadata standard.
tz21Tezos TZIP-21 metadata standard.
updatedMetadata record update information.

Custom Schemas​

It is possible to register custom user-defined metadata schemas with us. Owners of on-demand instances can send a request to create one or more private metadata schemas to The schema definition must have a unique name (ASCII, non-whitespace), be valid and compatible with JSON Schema draft 2019-09 or earlier.

Example Response (Hic et Nunc)​

GET /explorer/account/KT1HbQepzV1nVGg8QVznG7z4RcHseD5kwqBn?meta=1
// ...
// ... regular object data for this account
// ...
// embedded metadata for related addresses
"metadata": {
// curated contract metadata
"KT1HbQepzV1nVGg8QVznG7z4RcHseD5kwqBn": {
"address": "KT1HbQepzV1nVGg8QVznG7z4RcHseD5kwqBn",
"alias": {
"name": "Hic et Nunc Marketplace",
"kind": "nft",
"logo": "KT1Hkg5qeNhfwpKW4fXvq7HGZB9z2EnmCCA9.png"
"social": {
// metadata for contract creator address
"address": "tz1Y1j7FK1X9Rrv2VdPz5bXoU7SszF8W1RnK",
"alias": {
"kind": "user"
"name": "ungrund.tez",
"tzprofile": {
"alias": "crzypatchwork",
"description": "compsocialsci",
"logo": "",
"serial": 2,
"twitter": "crzypatchwork",
"website": ""