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Version: 0.9.1

Block Series

GET /series/block?args

Lists aggregate data about blocks. Filters are the same as on the block table, but response fields are limited to numeric data that can be aggregated over time. Aggregation function for all fields is sum.

time datetimeTimestamp, start of interval.
count intNumber of aggregated rows for this time bucket.
n_endorsed_slots int64Count of endorsed slots.
n_ops_applied intCount of successful operations.
n_ops_failed intCount of failed operations.
n_calls intCount of smart-contract calls sent by externally owned accounts.
n_rollup_calls intCount of rollup operations.
n_events intCount of implicit smart-contract operations (issued by the protocol instead of users).
n_tx intCount of transaction operations.
n_tickets intCount of ticket updates.
volume floatCount of amount of tokens moved between accounts.
fee floatTotal fee paid (and frozen) by all operations.
reward floatReward earned (and frozen) by baker.
deposit floatDeposit frozen by baker.
activated_supply floatTotal amount of commitments activated in tez.
minted_supply floatTotal amount of new tokens minted by operations in tez.
burned_supply floatTotal amount of tokens burned by operations in tez.
n_new_accounts intCount of new accounts created regardless of type.
n_new_contracts intCount of created smart contracts (KT1 with code).
n_cleared_accounts intCount of accounts that were emptied (final balance = 0).
n_funded_accounts intCount of accounts that were funded by operations (this includes all new accounts plus previously cleared accounts that were funded again).
gas_used intTotal gas consumed by operations.
storage_paid intTotal sum of new storage allocated by operations.