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Version: 0.9.1

Contract Table

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List creation-time information about smart contracts with embedded code and initial storage.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
address hashContract address base58check encoded.
account_id uint64Unique row_id of related account entry.
creator_id uint64Manager account row_id (deprecated in v005 Babylon).
first_seen int64Block height of contract creation.
last_seen int64Block height of last activity.
storage_size int64Storage size allocated in bytes.
storage_paid int64Storage bytes paid for in bytes.
storage_burn moneyValue burned for storage allocation.
script bytesBinary encoded Michelson script and initial contract storage.
storage bytesBinary encoded Michelson storage.
iface_hash bytesShort hash to uniquely identify the contract interface, first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash over binary encoded Michelson script parameters.
code_hash bytesShort hash to uniquely identify the contract code, first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash over binary encoded Michelson script code.
storage_hash bytesShort hash to uniquely identify the contract storage, first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash over binary encoded Michelson storage.
call_stats bytesBig-endian uint32 call statistic counters per entrypoint. Only used on smart contracts.
features stringComma separated list of Michelson features used by this contract. Any of account_factory, contract_factory, set_delegate, lambda, transfer_tokens, chain_id, ticket, sapling.
interfaces stringComma separated list of standard interfaces implemented by this contract. Any of MANAGER, SET_DELEGATE, TZIP-005, TZIP-007, TZIP-012, DEXTER (list may be extended).
creator hashContract creator address.