Supply Table
GET /tables/supply?args
List running supply totals at each block.
- Schema
- Response
Field | Description |
row_id uint64 | Unique row identifier. |
height int64 | Block height the current row refers to. |
cycle int64 | Cycle the current row refers to. |
time int64 | Block time the current row refers to. |
total float64 | Total supply, i.e. all coins in existence. |
activated money | Activated fundraiser supply. |
unclaimed money | Unclaimed fundraiser supply. |
circulating money | Total minus unclaimed fundraiser supply. |
liquid money | Circulating supply, i.e. all immediately spendable supply (total - frozen - unclaimed). |
delegated money | Delegated supply, i.e. all spendable supply owned by delegators. |
staking money | Staking supply, i.e. baker and staker supply at risk of slashing including over-staking supply that does not contribute to chain security. In old protcols pre-Oxford this is supply owned by bakers only in form of frozen deposits plus frozen rewards. |
unstaking money | Supply requested to unstake, i.e. baker and staker supply still at risk of slashing. Oxford+ only. |
shielded money | Shielded supply held in Sapling contracts. |
active_stake money | Network-wide active stake (Ithaca+) that contributes to chain security. |
active_delegated money | Portion of delegated supply to active bakers. |
active_staking money | Portion of staking supply at active bakers. |
inactive_delegated money | Portion of delegated supply to inactive bakers. |
inactive_staking money | Portion of staking supply to inactive bakers. |
minted money | Total issued supply in the form of block rewards. |
minted_baking money | Issued supply as rewards for block baking. |
minted_endorsing money | Issued supply as rewards for block endorsement. |
minted_seeding money | Issued supply as rewards for seed nonce revelations. |
minted_airdrop money | Issued supply as rewards for developers and protocol-upgrade airdrops (i.e. in Babylon). |
minted_subsidy money | Issued supply as liquidity baking subsidy (started in Granada). |
burned money | Total burned supply. |
burned_double_baking money | Total supply burned due to double baking. |
burned_double_endorse money | Total supply burned due to double endorsement. |
burned_origination money | Total supply burned due to contract originations. |
burned_allocation money | Total supply burned due to implicit account creation. |
burned_seed_miss money | Total supply burned due to implicit account creation. |
burned_storage money | Total supply burned due to allocating storage. |
burned_explicit money | Total supply burned by sending to a burn address. |
burned_offline money | Total supply burned from unpaid rewards due to low participation in Ithaca+ consensus. |
burned_rollup money | Total supply burned in rollup slashing. |
frozen money | Currently frozen supply. |
frozen_deposits money | Currently frozen bonds (pre-Oxford). |
frozen_rewards money | Currently frozen rewards (pre-Oxford). |
frozen_fees money | Currently frozen fees (pre-Oxford). |
frozen_bonds money | Currently frozen rollup bonds. |
frozen_stake money | Staked supply at risk of slashing from all bakers and stakers (Oxford+). |
frozen_baker_stake money | Total staked supply from bakers (Oxford+). |
frozen_staker_stake money | Total staked supply from stakers (Oxford+). |
5020499, // row_id
5020499, // height
699, // cycle
1706714339000, // time
990109142.078374, // total
743432931.638309, // activated
20885666.374391, // unclaimed
969223475.703983, // circulating
900110301.268606, // liquid
570235761.718759, // delegated
0.000000, // staking
0.000000, // unstaking
355.002637, // shielded
675254902.282185, // active_stake
0.000000, // active_delegated
0.000000, // active_staking
0.000000, // inactive_delegated
0.000000, // inactive_staking
228167820.314618, // minted
91600014.487863, // minted_baking
129921605.546401, // minted_endorsing
11111.125000, // minted_seeding
28700.007321, // minted_airdrop
6388266.250000, // minted_subsidy
2377276.248944, // burned
228687.464089, // burned_double_baking
31838.219485, // burned_double_endorse
19564.732750, // burned_origination
299395.298250, // burned_allocation
227134.347399, // burned_seed_miss
1240577.950750, // burned_storage
144248.732811, // burned_explicit
185829.503410, // burned_offline
0.000000, // burned_rollup
69113174.435377, // frozen
69113174.435377, // frozen_deposits
0.000000, // frozen_rewards
0.000000, // frozen_fees
0.000000, // frozen_bonds
0.000000, // frozen_stake
0.000000, // frozen_baker_stake
0.000000 // frozen_staker_stake