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Version: 0.9.1

Supply Table

GET /tables/supply?args

List running supply totals at each block.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
height int64Block height the current row refers to.
cycle int64Cycle the current row refers to.
time int64Block time the current row refers to.
total float64Total supply, i.e. all coins in existence.
activated moneyActivated fundraiser supply.
unclaimed moneyUnclaimed fundraiser supply.
circulating moneyTotal minus unclaimed fundraiser supply.
liquid moneyCirculating supply, i.e. all immediately spendable supply (total - frozen - unclaimed).
delegated moneyDelegated supply, i.e. all spendable supply owned by delegators.
staking moneyStaking supply, i.e. baker and staker supply at risk of slashing including over-staking supply that does not contribute to chain security. In old protcols pre-Oxford this is supply owned by bakers only in form of frozen deposits plus frozen rewards.
unstaking moneySupply requested to unstake, i.e. baker and staker supply still at risk of slashing. Oxford+ only.
shielded moneyShielded supply held in Sapling contracts.
active_stake moneyNetwork-wide active stake (Ithaca+) that contributes to chain security.
active_delegated moneyPortion of delegated supply to active bakers.
active_staking moneyPortion of staking supply at active bakers.
inactive_delegated moneyPortion of delegated supply to inactive bakers.
inactive_staking moneyPortion of staking supply to inactive bakers.
minted moneyTotal issued supply in the form of block rewards.
minted_baking moneyIssued supply as rewards for block baking.
minted_endorsing moneyIssued supply as rewards for block endorsement.
minted_seeding moneyIssued supply as rewards for seed nonce revelations.
minted_airdrop moneyIssued supply as rewards for developers and protocol-upgrade airdrops (i.e. in Babylon).
minted_subsidy moneyIssued supply as liquidity baking subsidy (started in Granada).
burned moneyTotal burned supply.
burned_double_baking moneyTotal supply burned due to double baking.
burned_double_endorse moneyTotal supply burned due to double endorsement.
burned_origination moneyTotal supply burned due to contract originations.
burned_allocation moneyTotal supply burned due to implicit account creation.
burned_seed_miss moneyTotal supply burned due to implicit account creation.
burned_storage moneyTotal supply burned due to allocating storage.
burned_explicit moneyTotal supply burned by sending to a burn address.
burned_offline moneyTotal supply burned from unpaid rewards due to low participation in Ithaca+ consensus.
burned_rollup moneyTotal supply burned in rollup slashing.
frozen moneyCurrently frozen supply.
frozen_deposits moneyCurrently frozen bonds (pre-Oxford).
frozen_rewards moneyCurrently frozen rewards (pre-Oxford).
frozen_fees moneyCurrently frozen fees (pre-Oxford).
frozen_bonds moneyCurrently frozen rollup bonds.
frozen_stake moneyStaked supply at risk of slashing from all bakers and stakers (Oxford+).
frozen_baker_stake moneyTotal staked supply from bakers (Oxford+).
frozen_staker_stake moneyTotal staked supply from stakers (Oxford+).