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Version: 0.9.1

Operation Table

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List detailed information about operations. Note that Tezos supports batch operations and internal operations created by smart contract calls in response to a transaction. On both types multiple ops share the same hash.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
type enumOperation type, one of activation, double_baking, double_endorsement, double_preendorsement, nonce_revelation, transaction, origination, delegation, reveal, endorsement, preendorsement, proposal, ballot, register_constant, deposits_limit or implicit event type bake, seed_slash, unfreeze, airdrop, invoice, subsidy, deposit, reward, bonus, rollup_origination, rollup_transaction, update_consensus_key, drain.
hash hashOperation hash.
height int64Block height.
cycle int64Cycle in which the operation was included on-chain.
time datetimeBlock time at which the operation was included on-chain.
op_n int64Operation position in block.
op_p int64Tezos RPC operation list position.
status enumOperation execution status applied, failed, backtracked, skipped.
is_success int64Flag indicating operation was successfully applied.
is_contract boolFlag indicating smart-contract calls.
is_event boolFlag indicating implicit on-chain events, ie. state changes that don't have an operation hash such as bake, unfreeze, seed_slash, airdrop, invoice, subsidy, deposit, reward, bonus.
is_internal boolFlag indicating if this operation was sent be a smart contract.
is_rollup boolFlag indicating this operation is a rollup call.
counter int64Unique sender account 'nonce' value.
gas_limit int64Caller-defined gas limit.
gas_used int64Gas used by the operation.
storage_limit int64Caller-defined storage limit.
storage_paid int64Part of the storage the operation paid for.
volume moneyAmount of tokens transferred in tez.
fee moneyFees paid in tez.
reward moneyRewards earned in tez.
deposit moneyAmount of deposited tokens in tez.
burned moneyAmount of burned tokens in tez.
sender_id uint64Unique row id of the operation sender account.
receiver_id uint64Unique row id of the transaction receiver, may be zero.
manager_id uint64Unique row id of the new manager account, may be zero.
baker_id int64Unique row id of the new baker account, may be zero.
data bytesExtra operation-specific data, see decoding operation data.
parameters bytesCall parameters as hex-encoded binary data serialized according to Micheline serialization for protocol v005 Babylon.
storage_hash bytesHash of the storage after update, contract-only. For performance reasons the raw storage is no longer included, use relevant explorer API endpoints to fetch individual storage updates.
big_map_diff bytesInserted, updated or deleted bigmap entries as hex-encoded binary data serialized according to Micheline serialization for protocol v005 Babylon, contract-only.
errors bytesWhen failed, contains details about the reason as escaped JSON string.
days_destroyed floatToken days destroyed by this operation (tokens transferred * token idle time).
sender hashAddress of the operation sender, always set.
receiver hashAddress of the receiver of a transaction, may be empty.
creator hashAddress of the original source of a contract call, may be empty.
baker hashAddress of the new delegate account, may be empty.
block hashBlock the operation was included in.
entrypoint stringName of the contract entrypoint if op is a contract call.
code_hash bytesShort hash to uniquely identify the contract code, first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash over binary encoded Michelson script code.