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Version: 0.9.1

Income Table

GET /tables/income?args

List detailed baker income and income statistics. This table is extended for all active bakers at each cycle and updated at every block until a cycle is complete. That way, rows for open cycles will always contain live data up to the most recent block in the chain.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
cycle int64Cycle this income relates to.
account_id uint64Unique row_id of the baker account this income relates to.
balance moneyA baker's own balance, composed of spendable balance and frozen deposits plus frozen fees (at snapshot block). Note that frozen rewards do not contribute towards rolls, hence they are not part of balance here.
delegated moneyDelegated balance (at snapshot block).
own_stake moneyAmount of baker's own stake, used in Ithaca+.
staking_balance moneyTotal stake (baker + staker) plus delegations (baker and delegators).
n_delegations int64Count of non-zero delegations (at snapshot block).
n_stakers int64Number of stakers (at snapshot block).
n_baking_rights int64Count of baking rights in this cycle.
n_endorsing_rights int64Count of endorsing rights in this cycle.
luck moneyAbsolute luck in coins, i.e. the amount of extra coins that can be earned because randomization allocated more rights than the fair share of rolls.
luck_percent floatRelation between actual random rights allocated vs. ideal rights gainable by rolls. Neutral luck is 100%, lower values indicated less rights than fair share, higher values indicate more rights.
performance_percent floatEffectiveness of a baker in generating expected rewards. Optimal performance is 100%. The value is lower when blocks or endorsements are missed, low value blocks/endorsements are published or the baker is slashed and higher when extra income was generated from stolen blocks or denunciations. NOTE: This value is not ratio scale nor interval scale. CANNOT be used as benchmark between bakers.
contribution_percent floatEffectiveness of a baker in utilizing all rights assigned and contribute to consensus. Optimal contribution is 100%. The value is lower when blocks or endorsements are missed and higher when blocks are stolen. NOTE: This value is ratio scale. It can be used as benchmark for baker availability or participation in consensus. It is strongly correlated to generated income, but does not capture low priority blocks, endorsements or slashing.
n_blocks_baked int64

Number of blocks baked in

this cycle.

n_blocks_proposed int64Number of block payloads proposed in this cycle (post-Ithaca payload proposer and block baker can be different).
n_blocks_not_baked int64Number of blocks not baked although rights existed (previously called lost).
n_blocks_endorsed int64Number of blocks endorsed.
n_blocks_not_endorsed int64Number of blocks not endorsed although rights existed (previously called missed).
n_slots_endorsed int64Number of slots endorsed in this cycle.
n_seeds_revealed int64Number of seed nonces revealed in this cycle.
expected_income moneyTotal income expected based on endorsing and priority 0 baking rights.
total_income moneyTotal sum of all income (note: due to losses, the actual true income may be smaller which is not reflected by this field alone).
baking_income moneyTotal income from baking blocks.
endorsing_income moneyTotal income from endorsing blocks.
accusation_income moneyTotal income from denouncing double baking and endorsing.
seed_income moneyTotal income from publishing seed nonces.
fees_income moneyTotal income from fees.
total_loss moneyTotal lost income due to denunciations or unpublished seed nonces. NOTE: This does not automatically reduce total_income above.
accusation_loss moneyLost value due to a punishments.
seed_loss moneyLoss due to an unpublished seed nonces. (fees and rewards)
endorsing_loss moneyLost rewards due too low participation in Ithaca+.
lost_accusation_fees moneyLost fees due to double signing.
lost_accusation_rewards moneyLost rewards due to double signing.
lost_accusation_deposits moneyLost deposits due to double signing.
lost_seed_fees moneyLost fees due to unpublished seed nonces (only applicable pre-Ithaca).
lost_seed_rewards moneyLost rewards due to unpublished seed nonces (pre-Ithaca this is single block rewards, post-Ithaca an unpublished seed nonce leads to loss of the entire endorsing rewards for a cycle).
address hashAccount address base58check encoded.
start_time datetimeIncome cycle start time.
end_time datetimeIncome cycle end time.